четверг, 6 июня 2013 г.


What services do you use regularly?

Regularly I use the following services: LinguaLeo, buses and Steam.

What do you like about them?

I tend to use LinguaLeo because it is a useful, convenient and cost-effective service. It allows me to improve my English vocabulary. Also it lets me meet other English learners.

I use buses because I have to use them. They helps me get to places earlier than when I use my feet. It allows me to doze while I’m on (the) my way. It’s cost-effective but not very convenient service.

I use Steam (game distribution service) since it lets me buy games without leaving home. Steam makes it easier for me to share my impressions about a game. It might be cost-effective when it offers discounts.

What makes services good or bad?

I think blameful client support, impolite staff, big costs, low quality and accessibility makes services bad.

On the other hand simplicity, flexibility, availability and openness make services good.

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